Please click on the above link to join AFGE and begin the eDues process.

  • Select Agency - HUD – Housing and Urban Development

  • Find your Local - L0476 – HUD HQ & DC Field Office

  • Select CONTINUE

  • Dues Option - This is dependent upon your grade (If you are greater than a GS-9 step 2, select that option.) Once selected, this will provide you with the effective date for your dues deductions to begin. However, your membership is effective from the date you signed up on eDues.

  • All other fields are self-explanatory. Please be sure to include a personal email address so that AFGE and Local 476 can confidentially communicate with you about Union business.

  • Credit/Debit Card or Bank Draft - No one in Local 476 or at AFGE National can see or will have access to this information.

  • Check the box stating, “I want to join…..and agree to the following Terms and Conditions:”

  • Draw Your Signature - This can be done with your finger if you have a touchscreen device OR you can sign using your mouse. (But it must be a signature and not typed words.)

  • Click Enroll

  • In order to get your signing bonus, send a screenshot of the signed agreement to AFGE local 476 OR you can forward the signed agreement and confirmation sheet to the local.